they would bring in this young man’s mother and father, lay her on the table with a basket on the end, he would take an axe and cut her head off. I’ve seen pictures of young men in the Red Guard of China. Ĭoe also compared Jesus's teachings to the Red Guard during the Chinese Cultural Revolution: You have to put the Nazi party and its objectives ahead of your own life and ahead of other people. And you have to put me before yourself.' Hitler, that was the demand to be in the Nazi party. every single building in Warsaw and then to start on the rest of Poland." Ĭoe adds that it worked they killed six and a half million "Polish people." Though he calls Nazis "these enemies of ours," he compares their commitment to Jesus' demands: "Jesus said, ‘You have to put me before other people. to annihilate the entire Polish population and destroy by numbers every single house. Two years before they moved into Poland, these three men had. But they bound themselves together in an agreement. Think of the immense power these three men had.

Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler were three men.
The secret society book pdf series#
In one videotaped lecture series in 1989, Coe said: Jeff Sharlet and Andrea Mitchell have described Fellowship leader Doug Coe as preaching a leadership model and a personal commitment to Jesus Christ comparable to the blind devotion that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot demanded from their followers. and abroad, and teaches that laissez-faire economic policy is "God's will." He criticized their theology of instant forgiveness for powerful men as providing a convenient excuse for elites who commit misdeeds or crimes, allowing them to avoid accepting responsibility or accountability for their actions. In his 2008 book about the Family, he criticized their theology as an "elite fundamentalism" that fetishizes political power and wealth, consistently opposes labor movements in the U.S. He also spent a month in 2002 living in a Fellowship house near Washington, DC, and wrote a magazine article describing his experiences. Journalist Jeff Sharlet did intensive research in the Fellowship's archives, before they were closed to the public. Mark Sanford, as well as accusations that the Family was illegally subsidizing the rent of members of Congress and involved in the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which would have imposed the death penalty for homosexuality in Uganda, thrust the notoriously secretive organisation into the national spotlight. One year after the book's initial publication, the sex scandals of prominent members of the Family, Nevada Sen. Sharlet has stated that the organization fetishizes power by comparing Jesus to “ Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Bin Laden” as examples of leaders who change the world through the strength of the covenants they had forged with their “brothers”. The book investigates the political power of The Family or The Fellowship, a secretive fundamentalist Christian association led by Douglas Coe.
The secret society book pdf how to#
Here you can find out how to create a Humonculous, activate Orichalka, or learn the special Solar-Ka awakening techniques of the Mithradites.The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power is a 2008 book by American journalist Jeff Sharlet. It details secret organizations, their representative members, spells and special techniques, and maps of headquarters or other significant places. Within Secret Societies you can find this information. Many a Nephilim has found itself impossibly at the mercy of a small band of humans armed with the proper information. Nephilim, despite their mystical power, are surprisingly easy to thwart given humans with sufficient occult knowledge, resources, and will. This sourcebook is for the Nephilim gamemaster to use in devising suitable antagonists for the players. These invisible empires rise and fall in combat made even more deadly by its secrecy.

Worse yet, many of them have learned to fight the Nephilim. Many of them have learned to hate the Nephilim. Since the fall of Atlantis, the secret societies have grown, due to Nephilim patronage or human ambition. It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is being covered with railroads."